Tour the features of MyLab Business Statistics
See how MyLab Business Statistics helps you master key concepts and improve results.
See how MyLab Business Statistics helps you master key concepts and improve results.
MyLab Business Statistics integrates powerful web-based statistical software, StatCrunch®, so that you can analyze data sets from the text and exercises quickly and easily. MyLab also includes access to, where users can access tens of thousands of shared data sets, create and conduct online surveys, perform complex analyses using powerful statistical software, and generate compelling reports.
Modern statistics is practiced with technology, and MyLab Business Statistics makes learning and using software programs as seamless and intuitive as possible. Copy data sets from your text and MyLab Business Statistics exercises directly into software such as StatCrunch or Excel®. You can also access instructional support tools including tutorial videos, study cards, and manuals for a variety of statistical software programs — including StatCrunch, Excel, Minitab, JMP, R, SPSS, and TI 83/84 calculators.
Within minutes of submitting your Excel Projects in MyLab, you get detailed personalized feedback.
This helps you build your understanding of the key topics in the course while also building your confidence with Excel — so you can prepare for class and your career.
Homework and practice exercises in MyLab go beyond the mechanics, reflecting each author’s approach and learning style, while exercises regenerate algorithmically to give you unlimited opportunity for practice and mastery.
Most exercises include learning aids, such as guided solutions, sample problems, and extra help as you work through them — offering helpful feedback if you answer incorrectly.
A variety of multimedia resources are also available to help you develop your conceptual understanding.
Not every student learns the same way or at the same rate. Several types of personalized learning resources are built into MyLab Statistics, so you can focus on the topics where you need more practice.
The Study Plan acts as a personal tutor, providing personalized recommendations based on your ability to master the learning objectives in your course.
The online gradebook helps you track your results on tests, homework, and practice exercises, so you always know where you stand in the course. And because it's linked to your instructor's gradebook, it makes it easy for your instructor to monitor your progress and provide you with extra help as necessary.