
Cultivate student engagement

Video Library

The Video Library makes it easy for you to select videos and related assessments for your pre-built assignments. Choose from a curated collection of videos that help students understand why they’re learning key concepts and how to apply them in their careers.

Searchable by company name, topic, duration, or date of creation, they’re updated on a regular basis, so you can keep your course current and engage students with relevant content.

And with auto-scored assessments and recommended content, you’ll save valuable time in both grading assignments and finding what you need.

Video Library

Encourage students to think critically

Problem-Based Learning Assignments

Working individually or in a group, your students learn to stop simply memorizing and start thinking more deeply about how to apply the concepts they’ve learned, and communicate their ideas via writing assignments and in-class discussion.

For example, after they learn about import-export balances, the Problem-Based Learning Assignment asks students if Walmart should continue to expand globally, even if it’s struggled to do so in the past.

Assign within MyLab via auto-graded questions or open-ended writing assignments. Only available for Ebert’s Business Essentials with MyLab Intro to Business.

Challenge students to think like real business professionals

Mini Sims

Mini Sims put students in professional roles and give them the opportunity to apply course concepts and develop decision-making skills through real-world business challenges.

Learn more about Mini Sims

Having trouble watching the video? View the transcript.

Having trouble watching the video? View the transcript

Give every student a voice

Learning Catalytics™

With Learning Catalytics, you’ll hear from every student when it matters most.

You pose a variety of questions that help students recall ideas, apply concepts, and develop critical-thinking skills. Your students respond using their own smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

You can monitor responses with real-time analytics and find out what your students do — and don’t — understand. Then, you can adjust your teaching accordingly, and even facilitate peer-to-peer learning, helping students stay motivated and engaged.

Contact your rep to learn more.

Help students study better

Dynamic Study Modules

Using the latest developments in cognitive science, Dynamic Study Modules help students study chapter topics by adapting to their performance in real time.

As a result, students build the confidence they need to deepen their understanding, participate meaningfully, and perform better — in and out of class.

Available on smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Having trouble watching the video? View the transcript.

Link from your LMS to MyLab Intro to Business

Link from your LMS to MyLab Intro to Business

Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

You can now link from Blackboard Learn, Brightspace by D2L, Canvas, or Moodle to MyLab Intro to Business. Access assignments, rosters, and resources, and synchronize grades with your LMS gradebook.

For students, single sign-on provides access to all the personalized learning resources that make studying more efficient and effective.

Learn more about our LMS integration services

Additional Features

Imagine the impact of first-day access on your course

Offering course content through the Pearson Inclusive Access model can help students achieve more by providing affordable, high-quality digital course materials on or before the first day of class. Because all students have access by day one, faculty can start teaching and students can start learning. Learn more about Inclusive Access.

A powerful homework and test manager

A powerful homework and test manager lets you create, import, and manage online homework assignments, quizzes, and tests that are automatically graded. You can choose from a wide range of assignment options, including time limits, proctoring, and maximum number of attempts allowed. The bottom line: MyLab means less time grading and more time teaching.

Comprehensive online course content

Filled with a wealth of content that is tightly integrated with your textbook, MyLab lets you easily add, remove, or modify existing instructional material. You can also add your own course materials to suit the needs of your students or department. In short, MyLab lets you teach exactly as you'd like.

Robust gradebook tracking

The Gradebook offers an easy way for you and your students to see their performance in your course. Item Analysis lets you quickly see trends by analyzing details like the number of students who answered correctly/incorrectly, time on task, and more. And because it's correlated with the AACSB Standards, you can track students' progress toward outcomes that the organization has deemed important in preparing students to be leaders.

Easily scalable and shareable content

MyLab enables you to manage multiple class sections, and lets other instructors copy your settings so a standardized syllabus can be maintained across your department. Should you want to use the same MyLab course next semester, with the same customized settings, you can copy your existing course exactly — and even share it with other faculty members.