What are Pearson English MyLab products?
From college readiness programs to developmental courses and up through composition, literature, and technical communication, Pearson English remains the leader in digital innovation and your partner in the classroom.
What do you teach?
- College reading
- Developmental writing
- A combined reading-writing course
- Composition
- Literature
- College readiness program for reading, writing, math
- Technical communication
MyLab Reading
MyLab Reading is the only online developmental reading application that combines diagnostics, practice exercises, and powerful assessment to help improve students' reading skills and reading level. The result of combining reading skills and reading level measurement is a personalized study plan for each student and quantifiable data that help instructors measure individual student progress.
MyLab Writing
Available for developmental writing, composition, and technical communication, MyLab Writing offers skill remediation and improves students' writing by uniting instructor comments and feedback with targeted remediation via rich multimedia activities, allowing students to learn from and through their own writing.
MyLab Reading & Writing Skills
MyLab Reading & Writing Skills combines the market-leading practice and remediation of MyLab Writing and MyLab Reading into one powerful site. From a single Study Plan, students can sharpen their writing skills and improve their reading skills and comprehension levels. The robust, interactive study skills modules provide students with the skills needed for success in college and beyond.
MyLab Reading & Writing Skills
MyLab Literature
MyLab Literature provides a wealth of written and multimedia resources that bring literature to life, complemented by a robust composing space and administrative features developed for managing writing instruction and saving instructors' time.
MyLab Foundational Skills
MyLab Foundational Skills is a complete online mastery-based resource for assessing and remediating college- and career-readiness skills in reading, writing and mathematics. The system offers a rich environment of pre-built or customized assessments, personalized learning plans, and highly interactive learning activities that enable students to master skills at their own pace. Ideal for learners of various levels and ages, including continuing education or workforce readiness programs, MyLab Foundational Skills provides the skill development students need in order to be successful in college level courses or careers.