Tour the features of MyReadinessTest

MyReadinessTest enables institutions to build customized tests to diagnose incoming students, and to improve the process for entrance or course recommendation. It provides detailed information on each students’ mastery and application of essential reading, writing, and math skills, and on core skills in anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and physics coursework.

Having complete control of instantly graded online diagnostics has never been easier. MyReadinessTest allows you to build your own customized, quality assessments to capture detailed information, refine the testing process, and increase student success. Learn more about the various ways MyReadinessTest can be implemented at your institution!

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Refine testing based on cut scores

Question Library

The Question Library offers premium assessment. Educators can use our pre-loaded diagnostics, or they can select from over 40,000 questions. They can even edit any question, or author their own.

Create your own tests

Targeted Assessments

With Targeted Assessments, every question ties to a specific objective, offering flexibility for schools to easily target specific skills. Instructors can control how and when students can access tests; choose whether to set time limits or display a countdown; scramble question order if desired; decide how results will be delivered to students.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Personalized Learning

With personalized learning and the comprehensive and reporting tools, you have immediate access and insight into individual student or cohort performance.

Flexible assessment

Gradebook and Results Management

Administrative tools for Results Management include detailed reporting on student performance, ability to define point distributions, and “one click” course recommendation capability from the gradebook.

Assessment in tandem with other disciplines


The Pathbuilder can be used to automate the course recommendation process. Schools can create lists of the courses that students can potentially be put into. From the Gradebook, they can quickly validate students based on their results, and send an email to the students to tell them their next step. Use as testing and preparation validation in tandem with other Pearson MyLab & Mastering products such as MyLab Foundational Skills®, MasteringA&P™, Mastering Chemistry™, and Mastering Physics™.

Additional Features

A powerful test manager

A powerful test manager lets you create, import, and manage online tests that are automatically graded. You can choose from a wide range of assignment options, including time limits, cut scores, and maximum number of attempts allowed.

Comprehensive online course content

Filled with a wealth of content, MyReadinessTest lets you easily add, remove, or modify preloaded diagnostics. You can also add your own tests using questions from our extensive bank or you can even add your own questions to suit the needs of your students or department. In short, MyReadinessTest lets you test exactly what you need to assess.

Robust gradebook tracking

The online gradebook automatically tracks your students' results on tests, and gives you control over managing results and calculating grades. The gradebook provides a number of flexible grading options, including exporting grades to a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. And, it lets you measure and document your students' learning outcomes.

Easily scalable and shareable content

MyReadinessTest enables you to manage multiple class sections, and lets other instructors copy your settings so a standardized assessment plan can be maintained across your department. Should you want to use the same MyReadinessTest course next semester, with the same customized settings, you can copy your existing course exactly—and even share it with other faculty members.