Take a tour of MyReadinessTest's features

MyReadinessTest enables students to diagnose and improve the process for entrance or course recommendation. It provides detailed information on each student's mastery and application of essential reading, writing, and math skills, and on core skills in anatomy and physiology, chemistry, and physics coursework.

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Test into the courses you need

Question Library

Your instructor has pre-loaded diagnostics with select questions/problems assigned to help you get into the courses you need.

Take tests created for you

Targeted Assessments

Every question ties to a specific objective, to easily to target specific skills you’ll need.

Identify strengths and weaknesses

Personalized Learning

You have immediate insight into areas of proficiency and weaknessso you know what you need to work on, and what you don’t.

Flexible assessments


Assessment may include time limits and point distribution so you know what to expect and how you’re doing.

Assessment in tandem with other disciplines


When used as a testing validation in tandem with other Pearson MyLab and Mastering products such as MyLab Foundational Skills, MasteringA&P, Mastering Chemistry, and Mastering Physics, you know what skills you need to master in relation to that curriculum in particular.